My students commonly work with problems related to Intelligent Transport Systems, Smart Cities, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence. Hence, to work with me I recommend that you:
- Know some programming language (e.g., C, R, Python, or Java);
- Be able to read papers in English;
- Be interested in a problem in the area of Transportation Systems.
Interested students should send an email to at least one month before the semester begins, specifically for the first orientation class (Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso 1).
Based on this information, I put up a non-exhaustive list of topics that I am interested in exploring:
- Detecting anomalies in transportation systems using Internet of Things and/or Artificial Intelligence (e.g.: pavement failures, dents in luggages, etc.);
- Comparison between technologies for monitoring passengers in public transport systems (buses and subways);
- Optimization of traffic lights or routes using Artificial Intelligence.