Upcoming Students


My students commonly work with problems related to Intelligent Transport Systems, Smart Cities, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence. Hence, to work with me I recommend that you:

  • Know some programming language (e.g., C, R, Python, or Java);
  • Be able to read papers in English;
  • Be interested in a problem in the area of Transportation Systems.

Interested students should send an email to marcosroriz@ufg.br at least one month before the semester begins, specifically for the first orientation class (Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso 1).

Based on this information, I put up a non-exhaustive list of topics that I am interested in exploring:

  • Detecting anomalies in transportation systems using Internet of Things and/or Artificial Intelligence (e.g.: pavement failures, dents in luggages, etc.);
  • Comparison between technologies for monitoring passengers in public transport systems (buses and subways);
  • Optimization of traffic lights or routes using Artificial Intelligence.