Prof. Marcos Roriz Junior


I’m an adjunct professor of Transportation Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). I’m interested in exploring Computer Science within Transportation Engineering through Computational Intelligence (e.g., Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computing, and Fuzzy Logic) and Distributed Systems (e.g., Internet of Things and Data Stream Processing) to enable Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart Cities. Further, I’m also interested in investigating the direct and collateral effects of such systems in our society.

I hold a PhD. degree (2017) in Computer Science (Informatics) from the Department of Informatics of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). In 2013, I received a M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the Instituto de Informática (INF) at Federal University of Goiás (UFG). I also received my bachelor degree in Computer Science from the same institute and university (INF/UFG) at 2011. I have participated in numerous research projects, from public and private agencies, such as DELL, Microsoft Research, RNP, FAPEG, and FAPERJ. In addition, I participated in a project for the Rio de Janeiro Operation Center that developed an Intelligent Transportation Messaging System to aid traffic operators during the Olympic games of Rio de Janeiro in 2016.


PUC-Rio Logo

PhD. degree in Informatics • 2013 — 2017
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
DG2CEP: An On-line Algorithm for Real-time Detection of Spatial Clusters from Large Data Streams through Complex Event Processing

UFG Logo

M.Sc. degree in Computer Science • 2011 — 2013
Federal University of Goiás
C3S: A Content Sharing Middleware for Smart Spaces

UFG Logo

Bachelor degree in Computer Science • 2007 — 2011
Federal University of Goiás
Distributed Object Middleware for Wireless Sensor Network

Research Interests

Computational approaches for building and evaluating Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart Cities Initiatives through the following techniques:

  • Computational Intelligence (Machine/Deep Learning, Fuzzy Logic, and Evolutionary Algorithms)
  • (Big) Data Stream Processing Algorithms and Platforms
  • Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Network


Click here for more info (google sheet)

Contact Info

Estrada Municipal, Quadra e Área Lote 04
Bairro Fazenda Santo Antônio
Aparecida de Goiânia
Goiás – Brasil